

What is Suicide? What Triggers Us to Suicide? Why Do People Attempt Suicide? Preparing to Protect Our Mental Health in This Situation.. How to Tell a Person Contemplating Suicide? Consequences of Suicide? Suicide is when a person does not see himself as belonging to this world because he can no longer endure this situation and enjoy life in the face of certain problems (stress, depression, fight, bored, etc.) and more. Although it has been used since ancient times, sometimes traditionally and sometimes for punishment, this situation has increased today. Therefore, it is important to detect this situation early and prevent it harmlessly. Today, it is necessary to try to understand the actions of societies against suicide, instead of criticizing the people who commit this action. Suicide attempts that result in death can cause some critical feelings in the person who committed suicide. If suicide does not result in death, therapy should be done with the person who attempted this, and the situation between him and his family should be reconsidered. The situation leading to suicide should be learned and the person should be supported in this regard.


: One of the first causes of suicide is the lack of love in childhood. Death, fight, separation from the family, feelings of rejection, humiliation, pride and psychological play... In the face of this situation, sadness, anger sees death as a way to get rid of these pains and pushes the individual to this situation. Seeing death as the only way to get rid of troubles is an important factor that increases the risk of suicide.

Symptoms of Suıcıde

Before suicide, individuals with suicidal tendencies actually expect help from the inside and therefore they try to realize themselves by exhibiting certain behaviors. He expresses that he is tired of anything he watches, the way he talks, his advice, and he thinks about committing suicide, and this should be taken seriously. Symptoms such as talking about death, being in despair, being uncertain about the future, being away from family and friends, being nervous, having a sudden change in behavior, acquiring habits such as alcohol and drugs, sleep disorder, feeling worthless, and being constantly unhappy are the symptoms that carry a suicidal tendency.

Prevention of Suıcıde

The first thing to do in preventing suicides in individuals is to educate family members. It is necessary to teach parents and teachers how to help individuals with suicidal tendencies. Suicide situations can occur in families, such as panicking, sadness, self-blame. In this case, family members should be made aware.

For family members, speaking in an appropriate language with individuals with this tendency can calm the individual and ease the situation. Instead of judging the individual in this speech, it is necessary to understand him and not to criticize him. In fact, what an individual in this situation needs most is to be understood. Since a significant part of those who attempt suicide come to this situation because they cannot find anyone to tell their troubles, the individual who expresses their troubles feels relief. Awareness can be raised about overcoming problems. An individual can be given support to support anxiety, tension, and self-confidence. They can often display thoughts and behaviors in the form of reckless behavior. Likewise, hopelessness, difficulty in concentration, sleep disorders, feelings of loneliness, etc. hating himself, being in conflict, planning death in his head, while waiting to be saved at the same time.


Some problems and pains that are experienced and cannot be fixed. Spiritual tension,remorse, mental illness (depression, schizophrenia, trauma), substance use, gambling addiction, being fired from work, lack of a reason for life or finding life meaningless.

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How much are the session fees?

A regular session costs 60 euros. The (partial) refund is possible by the health insurance company to which the customer is affiliated. Prices may vary for diagnosis, special tests and reports.

How long is the session?

A normal session takes between 45 and 50 minutes. This time may vary in couples therapy or private testing.

Are sessions confidential?

Yes, every psychologist is bound by professional secrecy. Information exchange with third parties (doctor, psychiatrist, family members, school, etc.) is only possible with the explicit consent of the client..

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