What is Psychosomatic Disorder
What are the symptoms?
Psychosomatic Disorder Treatment?
It means experiencing certain ailments in the body when there is no physical reason, and these disturbances occur psychologically. In other words, it means that the body is affected by the troublesome situation of the soul and has problems. Not only do new bodily problems cause problems, they also promote a pre-existing disease.
Along with psychosomatic disorders, school problems, school refusal, social adjustment problems, and high anxiety are also frequently seen. When filled with negative thoughts, it reveals the body to show various symptoms such as stomachache, nausea, diarrhea, headache and dizziness.
It is more common in people who cannot express themselves, cannot express their feelings, and have difficulty saying no. The inability of the person to express himself comfortably, his inability to express his feelings, is manifested by the discomfort in his body.
Headache, stomach ache, high anxiety, constant tiredness, exhaustion, aches, balance problems, visual disturbances, back pain, muscle pains, various skin diseases, hair loss.
It is very important to maintain mood and manage stress in daily life, not to feel psychosomatic disorders.
Excitement is a process where there are negative thoughts and emotions accompanied by anxiety, along with events such as sweating and trembling that we sometimes encounter and experience during that interval. The complaints experienced when the person is excited appear as a psychosomatic symptom. Although the psychosomatic causes have not been fully determined, it can be said that the most effective reasons for their emergence are trauma and important life events that the child encounters. The capacity of children to cope with stress is an important factor. Children affected by stress may have difficulty expressing their feelings verbally and may act against the environment.
There are many treatment methods used in the treatment of psychosomatic disorders, and the main goal of all methods is to treat more patients, not the disease.
Although there are many methods, first of all, patients with psychosomatic disorders should consult a psychiatrist.
The psychiatrist will diagnose the duration of the disease, the personality of the patient from various aspects, and the physical complaints of the patient will be taken into account, and it will be useful to reduce the physical complaints of people with psychosomatic disorders.
In order not to experience psychosomatic disorders that affect the body, it is necessary to understand and minimize stress, anxiety and depression as early as possible.